Max and Minnie

Created by smthomassen 8 years ago
Paul, Ann-Christine and Camilla actually came into my life via their dogs, Max and Minnie, as was their vet, looking after them for several years. Their lovely nature shone through how they so wonderfully cared for their pets. I also know how proud they were of their daughter Camilla and how much she has achieved and experienced in life, especially now, with the arrival of little Christopher! I have fond memories of Paul in the vet's waiting room with Max and Minnie and especially how Minnie used to go into "the shakes" every time she saw me at the vets, but not in their home, where I used to spend many of happy Sunday afternoons with a lovely roast. Plus ample of red wine, and even some cheeky champagne.......!These moments were especially precious to me, as my real family was so far away. Paul's smile was especially contagious and his humour, wit and gentle nature always had me entertained. I am pleased he also got to meet Duncan, my better half, and they talked a lot about horticulture, which was one of his main interests. I know these last few years were not easy for you, so Rest In Peace now Paul. I shall always remember you. With love and warm hugs, Sylvia x and Duncan